
Can a robot ever be conscious and how would we know if it were?

What is consciousness ? monash university is at the forefront of an extraordinary push to unlock the biggest mystery of the human brain to understand consciousness in humans. What is it? how does the brain generate it? when does it begin and end? the project has expanded internationally with input from a growing team of collaborating researchers across the fields of physics, engineering, robotics, neuroscience and philosophy. The consciousness project could also potentially unlock the way forward for machine consciousness. The hope is that by building algorithms for consciousness, the machines will be better and we’ll know more about ourselves. The possibilities are endless. What is the human consciousness? To be “conscious” is to be “aware. ” the general term for a person’s thoughts, emotions, sensations, and general awareness is human consciousness. Scripture does not explicitly define what human consciousness is, though the bible provides perspectives on it. A biblica...

Is religion good for you?

Using a similar approach to measure overall attitudes toward religion, the survey finds no clear consensus across western europe about the personal and social value of religion. In eight countries, attitudes toward religion are, on balance, more positive than negative. But attitudes toward religion lean negative in four countries and are divided in three countries. The survey asked respondents whether they agree with two positive statements about religion and two negative ones. More western europeans disagree than agree with the two positive statements – “religion helps me choose between right and wrong” and “religion gives meaning and purpose to my life . By reverend joseph a. Tetlow, sj what is spirituality? how is it connected with ecological concerns? spirituality can be approached in various ways. Some approach it as the wholehearted living of christian faith,creed, moral code, and worship. Some consider spirituality as humanity’s innate reaching for self-transcendence a...

Allow the Spirit to Lead

These days, you can grow up in the united states and have access to ancient spiritual wisdom from tibetan monks. Reading books introduces new spiritual practices and ways of thinking. Often monks, mediums, and other types of spiritual leaders write books sharing inspiring ideas, for example, the tibetan book of living and dying , many lives many masters , the dhammapada , dao de jing , or the book of knowing and worth. Reading before bedtime can teach new wisdom each day. (plus, it can help get a better night’s rest!) (mladen mitrinovic / shutterstock. Com). The first step is really getting to know yourself. Chances are, you’re going to zero in on features that you’d like to change about yourself – like just about everyone else who commits to self-knowledge. With spiritual meditation, acknowledging and accepting who you are is the first step to truly making friends with yourself. The meditation master pema chödrön expresses this beautiful ly in her book start where you a...

Spirituality versus emotional health

I occasionally hear people ask what spirituality means. As someone who sees herself intertwined with mother nature, and to the universe, as well as to the ‘bigger picture’, i have never felt the need to try and explain my sense of the spiritual to myself, or indeed to others. Working as an ayurvedic medicine practitioner for almost a decade now, i am constantly aware of the importance to our health, of paying great attention to physical, emotional and spiritual balance. I would almost go so far as to assert that, without any sense of the mystical, or individual awareness of one’s purpose of existence, one cannot be in true health. What are thoughts & emotions? Spiritual meditation releases and set tles our thoughts and emotions. It relaxes your nervous system and helps your body unwind from stress. It helps you to let go of the past and sink into peace. Spiritual meditation helps you realize who you really are. It empowers you and helps you reach your higher consciousness...